Mission Statement

At McGee, our vision transcends mere entertainment; we aspire to create an immersive and uplifting musical experience that resonates deeply with both audiences and performers alike.

Our aim is twofold: first, to enrich the wellbeing of our audiences by offering them a transcendent escape into the world of music, where joy, inspiration, and connection abound.

Second, we are committed to enhancing Queensland's vibrant musical tapestry by presenting productions that showcase the richness and diversity of our local talent. By providing a platform for Queensland creatives to shine, we not only offer them valuable live performance opportunities but also contribute to the cultural vibrancy and economic prosperity of our community.

We celebrate cultural diversity and promote accessible arts for both performers and audiences alike. Furthermore, we are dedicated to offering excellent rates for artists and supporting their craft, ensuring that their talent is valued and nurtured.

At McGee, we believe in the transformative power of live performance to uplift spirits, foster connections, and celebrate the boundless creativity that resides within us all.